Pregnancy & A Pandemic

This year the whole world stopped. No going to work. No seeing family & friends. No holidays. But the one thing that doesn’t wait for a pandemic to subside? A baby. Thousands of women across the global have had to live through a very different kind of pregnancy in 2020, we spoke to one about how the ‘new normal’ has affected her, her pregnancy and the handy helper from Storksak that made her feel a little more in control and organised.
Gemma Hopkins is a G.P from London, and is expecting her first baby.

How has pregnancy in lockdown felt?

Very strange. I was 28 weeks pregnant when there was a knock on my clinic door one evening in March. One of the partners at the practice advised me not to come to work the next day until they could facilitate ‘working from home’ (a term very unfamiliar with any doctor) I remember feeling upset at this decision; cases of covid-19 were escalating quickly at this time and I felt guilty not coming into work and helping out on the ‘frontline’ like my other colleagues. I soon came to realise that it was not just me I was having to think about but my baby as well and this was the safest option.


Did you feel isolated?

A little. It was hard being my first pregnancy; not being able to see friends and family, have my baby shower, pottering around shops looking at the ever so tempting baby aisles!
Given what other people were going through I don’t think my pregnancy was affected too much by lockdown. Being fourtunate enought to be able to work from home, I continued to work remotely up until 39 weeks pregnant.
We live by Lancaster Gate so the days were punctuated with walks around Hyde park, taking up pregnancy yoga online and baking multiple batches of banana bread (with varying levels of success).

Gemma on Storksak

What stuck out to me about the weekend cabin bag was its intelligent design and quality whilst remaining chic and and versatile. The inside compartment that comes out of the bag to allow easy packing and storing will prove invaluable in hospital on the big day and in the future on weekend trips away to visit the grandparents and short breaks.
I have managed to pack absolutely EVERYTHING in the bag. All the many nappies, muslins, what seems like hundreds of babygrows, wipes, toys, blankets, snacks... the list goes on. Fear not the weight either (as you only need one bag) as it is on wheels, genius. Friends have told me about how they showed up to hospital with three (!) cases, with bits everywhere, underprepared and over packed, not knowing where anything was when they needed it. Not me! With the packing pods and separated sections I can see exactly what is where and to hand.
Everything has a place and there is a place for everything. Love this bag!


P.S. Gemma gave birth to her beautiful baby in July. Both mum and baby are doing well. Yay!xx

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