Multi-award winning changing bag brand Storksak was founded in 2003 by Melanie Marshall and Suzi Bergman. With a single aim; to design one bag that does two jobs. Bags that you will love enough to use as your regular bag, with all the intelligent features to make your job easier as parents.

20 years later, their ethos is still the same. By selecting only the finest materials and hardware, all our bags offer the durability parents rely on. Taking pride in every fabric, detail and finish, we ensure that every product we make is nothing less than exceptional. Inspired by fashion, but not led by it, our designs don’t go out of style.

Every Storksak bag is wear tested with as much emphasis on the inside as the outside, which is where the design architecture really makes the difference. A new collection is designed each season, funnelling all our ideas and experience into bringing you the finest designs to suit your individual lifestyle. Made to use everyday, and designed to last. We are proud of our designs, and passionate about our community. We are Storksak.



Absolutely Mama | Women in Work : Storksak

The Times | How We Made It

The Upcoming | The Everlasting Bag