As expecting parents, we know there’s a whirlwind of preparations to be made, from shopping for all the essentials (and cute baby clothes) to designing a nursery - it can feel like the list is never ending! One of the most important tasks that will make your parenting life easier, is getting your home ready for the newest addition. Creating a safe and welcoming environment for your baby requires thoughtful planning - from baby proofing areas to creating ‘stations’ for feeding, changing and sleeping. To help you feel a little less overwhelmed, we have put together our top 10 practical tips to help you prepare your home for the arrival of your little one.
Designate a Nursery
Setting up a nursery is an exciting part of preparing for your baby's arrival. Choose a room close to yours for convenience, and make sure it’s well-ventilated and receives natural light. Invest in essential nursery furniture like a cot, changing table, and comfortable chair for late-night feeds and cuddles. You want this to be a relaxing and neutral environment, this won’t just be for baby but for you to escape the madness of the rest of the house into the early hours.
Comfortable Sleeping Space
Ensure your baby has a safe and comfortable sleeping space. For the first 6 months it is advised to have your baby’s crib next to your bed for safety, this also allows for easier feeds and late night cuddles. You may need to move your bedroom around to allow for this space so make sure to do this before your baby’s arrival. When it comes to actual sleeping, place your baby on their back on a firm cot mattress with no loose bedding, pillows, or stuffed animals. Use a fitted sheet designed for cots to prevent suffocation hazards. Make sure to check the
safe sleep guidelines for additional advice on preparing an area for baby to sleep.
Stock Up on Supplies
Stock up on all the baby essentials like nappies, wipes, onesies, and burp cloths before your little one arrives. You will be surprised just how much of everything you go through, especially in the first 6 months. Having a well-stocked supply of baby necessities will help you feel prepared for those first few weeks at home and allows you more (much needed) rest time without having to panic that you are running out of something. You may also not feel up to going out straight away depending on the type of birth you had so make sure you allow for this in your considerations.
Create a Feeding Station
Whether you're breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, designate a comfortable area in your home for feeding sessions, this will help both you and baby relax and get into a feeding rhythm. As a newborn, your baby will need to be fed between 8 and 12 times a day so a large portion of your day will be taken up by feeding so make sure to keep yourself comfortable and relaxed to make it as enjoyable for you as possible. Keep essentials like nursing pillows, burp cloths, and feeding supplies within reach to make feeding time more smoothly run and convenient.
Organise Baby Gear
Organise and set up baby gear like strollers, car seats, and baby carriers well in advance. Familiarise yourself with how to use them properly and transport them to ensure your baby's safety when you're on the go. It’s always worth practicing with your partner or whoever will help you in the first couple of months, setting up and going out so it’s not a stressful or tiring situation when the time comes.
Temperature Control
Maintain a comfortable temperature in your home for your baby. It is advised by the NHS to try and keep the room temperature between 16 - 20°C. Use a room thermometer to monitor the temperature in your baby's nursery and dress them in appropriate clothing to prevent overheating or chilling. If it is very warm, your baby may not need any bedclothes apart from a sheet. Alternatively if it is cold, even babies who are unwell do not need extra clothes. Make sure to keep their cot away from the radiator, heater or fire as you do not want them overheating.
Baby-Safe Cleaning Products
Switch to baby-safe cleaning products to minimise your baby's exposure to harsh chemicals. Opt for natural, non-toxic cleaners not just for your baby's items but for all surfaces, floors and materials. Baby will start crawling in no time and you want to keep what they pick up, lick and eat to a minimum, and as safe as can be.
Install a Baby Monitor
Invest in a reliable baby monitor to keep an eye on your baby while they sleep. Trust us this will be your new best friend. Choose a monitor with video capabilities and features like temperature sensors and two-way audio for added peace of mind so you can still talk to your little one if you are in another room and are unable to tend to them immediately.
This comes a little later on, but baby proofing your home before the arrival of your little one might actually be the best idea so that you are ready and prepared. Before your baby starts exploring, you will need to install safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs, cover electrical outlets, secure heavy furniture to the walls to prevent tipping and remove any small objects that could pose a choking hazard. Most of all pick things up off the floor or low levels in the house that they may be able to reach when they start sitting up themselves.
Seek Professional Help if Needed
Don't hesitate to seek professional help if you need assistance with home modifications or baby-proofing. A certified baby-proofer or interior designer specialising in nurseries can offer valuable advice and assistance in creating a safe and welcoming space for your baby. Alternatively speak to friends and family and get them to come to your home to help you spot things that may need to be adapted - sometimes we can’t always see everything yourselves, another pair of eyes always helps.