What to Pack For a Weekend Away with Baby

If you're traveling for the first time as a family, especially with a newborn, you might find it overwhelming, but by following a well-planned packing list, you can ensure that everything you need is at hand. Here's our handy weekend away packing list and guide including what to pack in your weekend / cabin bag and what to pack in your changing bag for the journey.


1. Clothing: Pack a few changes of clothes to last across the weekend for yourself and a few extra for baby. Make sure to think about comfortable travelling clothes for the journey there and back, weatherproof clothing (especially if you are in the UK), pyjamas and any special outfits you may need.
  • Day and night clothing for you and a partner 
  • Day and night clothing for baby
  • Pyjamas / sleepsuit for baby
  • Weatherproof clothing i.e. waterproofs and extras like umbrella, sunglasses
2. Baby essentials: We recommend packing more than enough baby essentials to last you across the weekend, especially if you’re staying somewhere rural and not sure how close by the nearest shops will be. If you’re on a city break, then sometimes travelling light and picking up items along the way can be easier.
  • Extra nappies and nappy bags (and a wet bag or storage if you use reusables)
  • Spare wipes
  • Dummies
  • Toys, books and comforters 
  • Baby bottles and formula, if you are bottle or co feeding (also make sure to pack sterilisers and brushes to clean whilst you are away) 
  • Breast pump and milk storage, if you are pumping
  • Baby monitor
  • Portable blackout blind
  • Baby towel or robe
  • Sleep aids
3. Toiletries: Depending on where you are staying and who you are staying with, you will need your usual toiletries plus a few extra if you are staying in a hotel without home comforts.
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Any skincare and cosmetics including moisturiser, hand cream and makeup and makeup remover
  • Shower care: shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, baby wash and moisturiser (if over 6 weeks old)
  • Cotton pads for top and tail washes (for newborns)
  • Hairbrush, hair dryer or other styling products
  • Hand sanitiser 
  • Medicines for you and baby 
  • First aid kit
  • Breast pads, if you are breastfeeding
4. Electronics: Staying on top of all your chargers and entertainment is essential when travelling.
  • All chargers (phone, watch, portable toothbrush and any other chargeable items)
  • iPad/tablet
  • Camera (if you still love an old school photo)
5. Baby travel: Whether you are staying at the grandparents or travelling abroad make sure you have all your travelling items to make your trip as seamless as possible. 
  • Baby carrier
  • Portable changing mat
  • Stroller/ travel buggy
  • Car seat


In your changing bag, you will need to pack any items you need close to hand, similarly to what you would carry for a full day out with baby.

1. Baby changing items: Number one on the packing list is making sure you have more than enough changing items with you - if you think ‘will this be enough?’ pack another few, because if you get caught in traffic or have delays then you don’t want to get caught out.
    • Nappies and nappy bags (and wet bags if you use reusables)
    • Changing mat (all of our Storksak bags come with a mat included)
    • Baby wipes (and a dirty wipes bag / container if you use reusables)
    • Nappy or rash cream

    2. Clothing, make sure to have clothing for all eventualities whilst travelling. If you have a long journey, you might want to pack one extra set of clothes just incase of any accidents along the way.

    • Spare clothing for baby - we would suggest 2-3 sets for a long day of travelling 
    • Jumper / cardigan for you to stay warm 
    • Spare top for you incase of any accidents 
    • Sunglasses and hats for you and baby incase of a glare in the car/train or on any stopovers

    3. Feeding essentials: We all know mealtime can be messy so if you are travelling over a mealtime, (depending on the age of your baby), make sure you have all the home comforts to reduce mess as much as possible.

    • Burp cloths 
    • Nursing shawl
    • Baby bottle and formula, if you bottle or co feed (insulated bag to keep this warm or cool whilst travelling) These are available on our website. 
    • Feeding bibs 
    • Any food / snacks for older children and for you/partner too

    4. Soothers: You want to keep baby as comfortable as possible all day long so having some of their soothing items will help to reduce the tears, keep them entertained and comfortable along the way.

    • Dummies 
    • Toys and/or teddies
    • Books you can read them
    • Sound machine or other sleep aids

    5. Stay warm: Make sure to pack a few items to keep baby warm and cozy whilst travelling. 

    • Swaddles
    • Blankets
    • Extra layers and accessories such as hats and socks

    6. Other travel essentials: There are lots of other small things you will need to keep you going and to ensure you’re prepared. These can be stored in a small personal bag, in your changing bag or inside your weekend bag.

    • Keys
    • Phone
    • Reusable water bottle 
    • More than enough snacks for everyone on the trip
    • Suncream (for any stopovers in the sunshine)
    • Hand cream and sanitiser 
    • Lip balm
    • Sunglasses
    • Entertainment: books, headphones, tv show or music downloaded on your phone

    7. Travel documents: If you are travelling abroad make sure to pack your

    • Passport
    • Any visas you might need 
    • Boarding pass / train ticket - or have these downloaded on your phone ready to go 
    • Any other travel documentation you might need including directions

    Packing with a baby always requires careful planning and consideration so making a list of items when you think of them can really help to make sure you don’t forget anything and if you do, then it’s important to remember it isn’t the end of the world, almost everything can be purchased en route or at your destination so concentrate on the essentials and don’t forget yourself when focusing on baby’s items.

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